Monday, August 4, 2008

Primavera or MS Project

Which software do you choose to use in your project planning? Primavera or MS Project?
Do you understand what is called total float? Do you face any problem when your project is ahead of time, yet you are not able to see the positive value in the Total Slack column in MS Project? You are welcome to provide tips how to solve this problem if you know. Primavera does not have this problem to show the positive value in the Total Float column it seems. (note: Total slack in MS Project = Total Float in Primavera).
Feel free drop me a few lines if you like to contact me personally at the following:


Thomas Ong said...

Ms Project is user friendly and faster. but, the weightage of every activities is changing everytime we update the programme, but P3 do not face this problem.

Kent Chan cpe,cipm, faapm said...

Most of the today planning software does not take weightage calculation into account because it is really does not affect the completion date of the project. Weightage of each task will be different each time you make changes in the schedule. What really matters is the critical path analysis. Do you agree?

flyingcadet said...

If the weightage of each task will be different each time we make changes in the schedule that's mean that we cannot compare actual % to our baseline % anymore.
For example, if we are only tracking based on duration, since the actual duration might be shorter or longer than the baseline, the actual % might also be different than the baseline %.
is it right?

flyingcadet said...

How to create weightage for each task & task summary so that any calculated % complete in microsoft project is comparable to baseline % no matter whether the actual duration is shorter or longer than planned. because sometime i need to plan for something than is beyond our control such as getting approval from certain Authority.